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Currant Clearwing
Synanthedon tipuliformis (Clerck, 1759)
Sesiidae: Sesiinae
373 / 52.013
Photo © Julian Francis

Similar Dorset Species: None
Forewing: 8-10mm
Flight: June - July
Foodplant:   Mostly cultivated varieties of Black and Red Currant
Red List: Least Concern (LC)
GB Status: Common
Former Status: Nationally Scarce B
Verification Grade:  Adult: 2

Davey, P., 2009: A generally distributed species in England, the larva feeding and over-wintering once within strong stems of black currant (Ribes nigrum) and, less frequently of red currant (R. rubrum). Eggs are laid close to the ends of shoots, or stems that have been pruned the previous winter. The newly-hatched larva creates a tunnel by eating the heart of the stem in the late summer and into autumn. During the spring, frass may be evident at the end of the host shoot, and, prior to pupation, a cap is constructed to seal the end of the tunnel. The moths emerge during June and may occasionally be observed at rest on currant leaves around midday; thereafter, females may be seen in the middle of the afternoon seeking out a suitable part of the bush to oviposit. Localities in Dorset are few but the species is likely to be under-recorded, and colonies found in towns or nurseries are associated with well-established black currant bushes. Pheromone lures employed by R Cook and D Humphrey at a nursery at Bearwood PYO, Magna Road, Bournemouth (not Knighton as reported by PD) attracted seventy males on 21 June 2001.

Recorded in 12 (30%) of 40 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1982.
Last Recorded in 2019.
(Data up to end 2019)

Latest 5 Records (Data up to end 2019)
Date#VC10k Area
26/06/201929SY67 - Portland / Weymouth
21/06/201929SY68 - Weymouth / Martinstown
09/06/201919SY49 - Bridport
30/05/201929ST90 - Spetisbury
22/06/201839SY49 - Bridport
Further info: Synanthedon tipuliformis
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