Davey, P., 2009: A rare species found in Sussex and Norfolk, the larva feeding on the inner stems of bulrush (Typha spp.), yellow iris (Iris pseudacorus), and common club-rush (Scirpus lacustris).
In Dorset (VC11 record), the moth has been seen on one occasion close to suitable habitat. There was no opportunity for immigration at the time with a high pressure area centered over the English Channel and light and variable winds: Hengistbury Head, netted whilst flying around lamp post on 6 August 1953 (C Pearce). It is recommended that searches be undertaken for this species from freshwater habitat containing its foodplants at Wick Hams and at Stanpit Marsh.
This species resembles Webb's Wainscot. Diagnostics include: the absence of a dotted border on the edge of the forewing.  | Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required. | |