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Orache Moth
Trachea atriplicis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Noctuidae: Xyleninae
2304 / 73.106
Photo © Martin Cade,  Portland Bird Observatory - 4 Jul 2006

Similar Dorset Species: None
Forewing: 20-22mm
Flight: June - July
Foodplant:   Oraches, goosefoots, Knotgrass
Red List: Regionally Extinct (RE)
GB Status: Extinct / Immigrant
Former Status: Rare Immigrant and former resident
Verification Grade:  Adult: 3

Davey, P., 2009: A resident species in the Channel Islands since the 1980s, resident within the fenland region of East Anglia until 1915, and noted as a rare immigrant to south-eastern England subsequently, the larva feeding on orache (Atriplex spp.), goosefoot (Chenopodium spp.) and other herbaceous plants. This handsome and very rare visitor has been seen on nine occasions, mostly close to the coast: West Bexington, on 19 July 2006 (R Eden), Abbotsbury, floating in a small stream, then fluttered to the opposite bank and was lost, end of July 1938 (A Sperring), Marshwood, at MV on 28 July 2004 (Mrs J Baker), Upwey, at MV on 31 July 2003 (P Harris), Portland, at MV on 20 June 1998, 19 July 2003, 5 July 2006 (M Cade), Durlston, 25 July 2006 (P Davey), Iford, at MV on 30 July 1995 (M Jeffes).

Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required.

Recorded in 6 (15%) of 40 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1938.
Last Recorded in 2019.
(Data up to end 2019)

Latest 5 Records (Data up to end 2019)
Date#VC10k Area
02/07/201919SY66 - Portland Bill
19/07/201019SZ07 - Swanage
16/07/200919SY79 - Puddletown
25/07/200619SZ07 - Swanage
19/07/200619SY58 - Abbotsbury
Further info: Trachea atriplicis
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