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Old Lady
Mormo maura (Linnaeus, 1758)
Noctuidae: Xyleninae
2300 / 73.107
Photo © Julian Francis

Similar Dorset Species: None
Forewing: 30-36mm.
Flight: One generation July - Sept.
Foodplant:   Herbaceous and woody plants.
Red List: Least Concern (LC)
GB Status: Common
Former Status: Local
Verification Grade:  Adult: 1

Davey, P., 2009: A local species in England and Wales, rare in Scotland, the larva is polyphagous. In Dorset, this large moth is local and probably under-recorded due to the moth's reluctance to visit light traps although actinic traps are apparently more successful, and, like the preceding species, sugar bait attracts well. "In my experience, very local and with a marked preference for the neighbourhood of water." (W Parkinson Curtis ms). There are several records of the species found by day in sheds, under bridges, in houses, in fact anywhere that affords shade. There is just one larval record: Bloxworth Heath, final instar larva head down along currant stem; several stalks, no leaf parts left on 1 May 2006 (P Davey).

Recorded in 33 (83%) of 40 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1940.
Last Recorded in 2019.
(Data up to end 2019)

Latest 5 Records (Data up to end 2019)
Date#VC10k Area
04/10/201919SY98 - Wareham
21/09/201919SU00 - Wimborne
17/09/201919SY98 - Wareham
12/09/201919SZ09 - Poole
12/09/201919SZ09 - Poole
Further info: Mormo maura
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