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Cloaked Carpet
Euphyia biangulata (Haworth, 1809)
Geometridae: Larentiinae
1793 / 70.064
Photo © Tom Morris,  Alderholt

Similar Dorset Species
White-banded Carpet
Spargania luctuata
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Forewing: 14-17mm
Flight: June - August
Foodplant:   Stichworts
Red List: Least Concern (LC)
GB Status: Common
Former Status: Nationally Scarce B
Verification Grade:  Adult: 3

Davey, P., 2009: A very local species restricted to southern England and Wales, the larva feeding on chickweed and stitchwort (Stellaria spp.). In Dorset, the moth is local, at low density with singletons seen on any given night, and mainly restricted to damp tertiary clay soils on the periphery of the Poole Basin. It occurs most frequently where common chickweed (Stellaria media) grows on heavily fertilised arable, gardens and woodland rides. It is also found sparingly where greater stitchwort (Stellaria holostea) grows on hedgebanks and in woods on sandy soils within the Poole Basin. Localities where the moth recurs include Yellowham Wood, Bere Wood, Sares Wood, Shaggs, Trigon and Gaunts Common.

Retained Specimen / Photograph will be Required.

Recorded in 27 (68%) of 40 10k Squares.
First Recorded in 1934.
Last Recorded in 2019.
(Data up to end 2019)

Latest 5 Records (Data up to end 2019)
Date#VC10k Area
19/07/201919ST72 - Stour Provost
13/07/201919SU00 - Wimborne
10/07/201919SY39 - Lyme Regis
10/07/201919SY68 - Weymouth / Martinstown
10/07/2019+9SY88 - Wool / Lulworth
Further info: Euphyia biangulata
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